With its history in rice business, the corporate philosophy of the Group founded its root in the Chinese saying, “As a man sows, so shall he reap”.
One may not be able to control weather condition but an experienced farmer can definitely breed weather-resistant hybrids, manage choice of crops to seed in most appropriate seasons and set up pre-emptive measures in anticipation of adverse conditions based on knowledge in such areas as agritech, trending of market preferences, weather forecast, etc.
Likewise, the Group believes in cultivating expertise to innovate ahead of the market and building strong team competency and corporate governance to anticipate and pre-empt business risks in order to excel in each of its business arena. In the long run, the domain expertise and diligent commitment pay off in surfing through waves of business cycles to deliver sustainable business growth.
Over the years, the Group has taken a prudent view in its investment decisions and in most instances with extremely low or no leverage on financing arrangement. With its cash reserve, the Group has made multiple investments either to support its business operations, such as its headquarters for packaged consumer goods in Tsing Ying, robot-enabled production line and its corporate headquarters in Wanchai, or other forms of investments across different countries to generate long term value for our Shareholders.
In midst of buoyance speculative market in the past decade, the Group held firmly to its corporate philosophy. As a result, the Group’s financial position remains lucrative and healthy at all times and is well positioned to explore opportunities and expand its business platforms to create sustainable return to our Shareholders and business partners.